missouri teen shot dead by police

It seems like the police force is waging a silent war against minorities nationwide and their badges grant immunity. Missouri officers are under fire for shooting and killing an unarmed teenager in Ferguson County. 18 year old Michael Brown was en route to his grandmother’s home when he was killed at 2:15 p.m. It has not been reported what caused the tragic incident. Several witnesses state that officers opened fire on Brown and once he was hit, he put his hands in the air and begged for them not to shoot. Upon surrendering, officers walked up on the teenager and opened fire again until the victim was dead. Residents are up in arms, with 200 angry protesters taking over the streets of Ferguson. Brown’s mother and step-father were amongst the protesters, holding a sign that stated “Ferguson police just executed my unarmed son!!!”. SMFH! Is this what the government means by “serve” and “protect”, huh? To see news coverage of this story, click below.

Scarlet Santana

RIP Michael Brown.