
Sir Michael Rocks and Mac Miller have collaborated together on tracks such as “Great” and “Madness“. Now, it’s up in the air that the two are working on a full joint project. Sir Michael sits down with Hip Hop DX to discuss his relationship with Mac Miller and his work ethic.

“Mac is a Capricorn like me, and we know how to collaborate with people. We’re not the type of people to just take control of everything,” says Sir Michael. “Me and Mac know how to compromise, and we know how to give a little, take a little, and leave a little off.”

Hit the jump for more.

JaaiR (JR)

Sir Michael aka Mickey Rocks explains that every time he and Mac get together, the material is from pure scratch. “We make up concepts and we’ll create the song together right then and there.” With this bonding experience, the two have talked about a collaborative project.

“Will we have a full project together?” Sir Michael Rocks says. “He actually wanted to start something a while ago. He was like, ‘Yo, I’m a make all these beats, and you rap on the beats.’ I didn’t know if he was trying to get on the beats too. He probably would, but that kind of stuff is definitely possible. Once again, you just gotta go over his house. You just gotta go lock yourself in Mac’s crib for however long it takes to record it. But yeah, if we decided on it, I think we would definitely do it. We would definitely make it happen. I could see that happening for sure.”

This would be dope.