Police Shooting Missouri

It’s no secret that the killing of unarmed people at the hands of police happens much too often. To shed light on this epidemic, REVOLT has decided to give a brief history of many unjust tragedies that led to loss of life… at the hands of police. Check it out after the jump.

Jamaal Fisher

The piece begins with the passage below. Afterwards, it leads to the name, date, and place of death before a brief description of the events.

A little over 50 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned an America where children would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the “content of their character.” However, as fate would have it, that dream has been more and more precarious to achieve these days, as the names Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Jordan Davis illustrate that our nation is still very much divided.

Unarmed, black and ranging from the ages between 17 and 18, Brown, Martin, and Davis were all gunned down by shooters—Darren Wilson, George Zimmerman, and Michael Dunn (respectively)—who were all said to claim “self-defense.”

As if there couldn’t have been any more parallels drawn between these cases, on Friday (August 15) Ferguson police added yet another, after releasing footage and several documents that tied Brown to a robbery just moments before the tragic encounter. Tactics like these seem like usual protocol, as we’ve seen it done in several other similar trials that try to paint these dead teens as “thugs” who had it coming. And to add insult to injury, as seen in Zimmerman’s acquittal and Dunn not being charged for murder, these killers often walk away with a mere slap on the wrist.

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