
Looking for the perfect Christmas give a musician or music producer? How about these “musical gloves.” Ariana Grande gets fitted her very own Mi.Mu gloves. Watch her demonstrate how they work, and listen to them changer her voice after the jump!

Jade Raven

Like her voices needs any changing. Intended to improve the relationship between music and technology, Ariana Grande slips her tiny hands into the musical gloves which were made in collaboration with British singer-songwriter Imogen Heap, and Mi.Mu.

According the site, “Mi.Mu works by capturing movement and hand gestures with analog bend sensors. That information is then sent wirelessly via the x-OSC [a wireless input-output board] board on its wrists to a computer.”

The glove offers “a new and flexible approach to the control of music and visuals with intuitive human movement.”

Need a demonstration? While wearing the glove, Ariana remixes her voice as she goes along; moving her hand, and opening and closing a fist. Watch the awesome video below.