IFWT_Mark whalberg 2 (2)
Mark Wahlberg has received a Pardon for a crime he committed back in 1988 when he was 16. The victim, Johnny Trinh has given Walhberg forgiveness.


Mark Wahlberg was seeking a Pardon for a crime he had committed in Boston back in 1988. Wahlberg had been found guilty of assault and served 45 days in a Massachusetts jail. On the Morning of April 8th 1988 Johnny Trinh was unloading his care with two cases of beer when Wahlberg approached Trinh with a five food wodden stick and bashed Trinhs head while shouting racist obscenities in his direction. Wahlberg fled the scene but was later arrested and identified Trinh. Surprisingly Trinh has forgiven Whalberg. In an interview with MailOnline Trinh states “He was young and reckless but I forgive him now. Everyone deserves a second chance”. Trinh elaborated that it was reported in the media that Wahlberg had left him blind in his left eye. Trinh explains he lost his eye while at War fighting alongside Americans in Vietnam. Whalberg has come under the microscope as to why he was trying to acquire the pardons but its been reported that Wahlberg recntly is expanding his restaurant “Wahlbergers”. In order to get his restaurant up and going he would need a license to do so which could have been rejected despite his criminal record. Maybe so but its nice to see Wahlberg trying to right the wrong of his past.