Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James posted a picture of his trainer, David Alexander on his Instagram account.  In the picture James was laughing at Alexander for sitting “Indian style” while watching TV.  Apparently that didn’t sit well with some of his Instagram followers who went off.

Shay Marie

Most people (myself included) was taught sitting with your legs crossed is “Indian style”.  Many of LeBron’s followers however felt it was racist and a stereotype and LeBron shouldn’t have used the term.  Some of his followers defended him citing that’s the same term they learned as well.

Apparently the proper term is “Criss Cross Applesauce”?  You learn something new everyday.

Unfortunately when you’re a superstar everything you say is scrutinized.  I’m sure LeBron meant no harm by using the term but now he knows some people find it offensive.  Calling LeBron James racist is a bit of a stretch though.

*photos in gallery above*