Nicki Minaj's MTV Documentary

“The Queen Barbz” continues her epic display of promo for “The Pinkprint” album as Nicki Minaj Drops MTV Documentary Trailer, and *Flex voice,* it’s looking real official out here…

It’s been…not that long at all since we were gifted with “The Pinkprint Movie” mini-flick right before Christmas. True to form she has her sights set on bigger things as Nicki Minaj Drops MTV Documentary Trailer. After so far releasing the mini-movie, an exclusive calendar, high fashion campaigns and magazine covers, it didn’t seem the Hip Hop and Pop star could get any more visual…

…until now. The way she’s working, Nicki Minaj Drops MTV Documentary Trailer goes to show that when it comes to success, she’s in this “Moment for Life.”

“Nicki Minaj: My Time Again” will air on Sunday, Jan. 18 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on MTV
Check the vid!

Emilia A. Ottoo: IG || Twit || Pin
