Twitter User Exposed For Living Double Life.. Literally. Ah man, here we go again. It seems like every week its always something interesting that happens on twitter. Today it’s the exposure of twitter user “NicheTay” who had two accounts.

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One for his cover up and another for his cover up’s cover up. Here’s the deal: NichyTay was his “real” account and he had another named “Vuhtay” which was his “Girlfriends” account. He used NichyTay to tweet like a guy who was in a relationship with Vuhtay. Vuhtay which was the “girlfriend” of NichyTay would tweet like normal females and tweet about female things such as makeup and guys. Both accounts were being run by the same person who was actually gay in real life but didn’t want to come out to the public as a gay man. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay but there is something wrong with deceiving people, especially online. Take pride in your sexuality and people will respect you for it. I think the strangest part about this whole ordeal was that he was tweeting and starting fights with himself on both accounts.. Do you know how much work and time consuming it is to run two accounts? What kind of mindset does one have to wake up in the morning and enjoy living a double life ONLINE!? That’s a serial killer if you ask me. One thing that did stand out to me in all of this was that Niche did say that there’s still a myriad of undercover homo male tweeters out there that knew he was on the DL but still kept on messaging him.. Interesting. Let me know what you guys think about this situation in the comments section below.
