
So sad to hear, even president Obama has to deal with peoples pettiness.Russian hackers got a hold of Obama’s emails.
The hackers dug deep into the State’s Department’s unclassified system and found sent messages from Obama himself.


As of now, the hackers do not have a hold of any classified information. The system the hackers got a hold of does hold case sensitive information.This information includes things like schedules, email exchanges with ambassadors, personnel moves and some debates about policy. Officials do not know the exact amount of emails that the crook’s got to open. Obama’s direct email itself does not appear to be tampered with.

Obama’s presidential daily brief is usually done orally and not even stored on the computer. Still, its really scary to know that random Russian hackers had access to some information. White house officials have been aware about the incident for a long time, This information is just now being distributed to the public..

A senior American official stated:

“This has been one of the most sophisticated actors we’ve seen.”

This incident was so serious that white house officials had meetings for weeks. Russian hackers don’t play when it comes to tactic. The central goal is to focus on one thing. In this case the target was political.

Source: New York Times