
Is Addium Viagra for the Brain ? 3 years ago an actor from the movie Limitless gave a social media shout out (Tweet in Gallery ) including the pharmaceutical drug Addium for it’s inspiration. Now today in 2015 this is a world wide drug used by athletes, executives and students. Some companies claimed that it was too strong to be sold without a prescription. It was kept quiet all this time even being removed from questions on the game show Jeopardy.

After time of proving the drugs safety it was clinically approved, it is allowed to be sold on the Addium website .The Health and Science Editor at CNN decided to volunteer to test out the product. During the first week , it was reported to work instantly. After 30 minutes a relief of stress and a feeling of concentration came over. After 4 weeks Alan Frasier was named Super Man around the office .

Can this magic pill really help people become more successful and less lazy? Is Addium really Viagra for the brain? Non stop energy and less stress sounds like the American dream for any of us at this point. Including help with memory and becoming more motivated , I almost feel as if this drug should be mandatory. But are there any side effects? So far none have been reported. Nothing but good vibes and good things have been said. So why was this such a secret all this time? Frasier reported bouncing out of bed before his alarm even went off and enjoying his work place. The Viagra for the Brain is not so easy to get. Almost always sold out on the website , I’m sure there is a waiting list. Who wants to be the first contestant to see if it actually works?

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