Yeah, you read it right. An old man punches a bear in the face. Watch the video below so you can see what guy you need to stay away from.

When it comes to the world, it belongs to Carl Moore and we just live in it. Moore spotted a bear in his yard and he did not turn around. According to Carl, he has never ran away from anything and he won’t start today.

It all began when we heard his dog, Lacey making weird noises outside on the patio. Since Carl loves his dog as if it was his child, he ran with a quickness to check to see if she was alright. When he saw the bear, he began to curse the bear out. The bear then stood up on it’s two feet and made a noise.

Now this is when most people would probably run for their life.

Carl instead throws a haymaker with his right fist into the face of the bear. Brave, right? The bear is the one who ran and never came back. What a punk!!

It sucks that there isn’t any footage of the actual occurrence, but there is a friend who vouches for the story who does admit to witness the incident.

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