
Its that time again, prepare yourself, Kim Kardashian once again shows of her sexy curves in a photo shoot. Kim posed naked in a desert with just a small percentage of her body covered!

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This is not the only time the sexy reality star appeared nude on print, Kim gave onlookers plenty of treats. Everybody happens to be satisfied with this very pretty and curvy personality. Kim usually does a lot of risky features in magazines despite societies shallow mind. This desert photo shoot that Kim is featured in, will be displayed on “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”.

Kim Kardashian has a skin condition called “psoriasis”. This condition dries up your skin. Despite this condition, Kim Kardashian shows the right amount of self-love and high self esteem to proceed with the photo shoot. Kim said that she just leaves all her insecurities on the floor in the beginning of the photo shoot and hopes people will focus on her positives.

Kim stated:

“I have Psoriasis , there is nothing I could do about it so there is no reason why I should feel uncomfortable.”

Kim further explained that she previously felt insecure of her condition but eventually got over it. Kim also is gonna show more booty in her reality show as she gets laser treatment for a smaller anterior!

SOURCE: DailyMail