A man from NYC finally has settled his lawsuit with the credit reporting agency Equifax. The agency refused to recognize his name, this problem led him down a long road of problems getting loans and higher credit limits. Read more after the jump.

Meet 27 year-old God Gazarov, he came to the US from Russia as a child, and last year sued Equifax in Brooklyn Federal Court. The lawsuit came after Equifax claimed its computer systems wouldn’t allow it to issue a credit report under the name God. Gazarov did everything he could to prove this was indeed his real name but nothing came of it.

Equifax now states, they have made the “necessary alterations” so that its system recognizes the name for Gazarov whose credit score is now close to perfect and anyone else.

Gazarov said, “I was named after my grandfather who’s also named God, and I’m proud to carry his name. He was a very big commander in army and well respected back home.”

Gazarov’s lawyer made a statement, “I realized this is something American companies need to be able to deal with,” he added, “There are plenty of people who come here from other countries, who have unusual names, and American companies need to understand they are real people with real names that should be recognized.”

According to God who owns a jewelery store, “I never claimed I’m the almighty leader of the world,” he continued, This country is built on immigrants, and there’s nothing wrong with people carrying non-American names. It’s not like I’m trying to say I’m Mickey Mouse and my address is Disney World in Orlando.”

Equifax has also agreed to pay Gazarov an undisclosed amount of money to settle the lawsuit.

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