Because of her profession and high profile, Ronda Rousey still gets asked a lot about her sexuality because people make assumptions. She emphatically states that she is not a lesbian. She even goes as far as to try and prove it by talking about her profession as a UFC fighter.


“It’s funny when people think that because I’m a female athlete that I must be a lesbian,” she joked. “I’m like, ‘No, I love men so much that I beat the fuck out of girls for a living just to take them all out!'”

Rousey also talked to Rolling Stone about why she’s single at the moment as well.

“The kind of guys I’m into have lots of desirable women willing to do backflips for them,” she said, “and I mean, if you can look like a man standing next to me, then you’re a real fucking man—but I’m just not doing any backflips.”
