It’s unclear exactly how many baby mothers Dwight Howard has but it’s rumored that he has ten children with eight different women. The latest is gospel singer Christine Vest. Christine and Dwight have a two year old son named Trey and some time in the last year, she and Dwight broke things off. Now Christine has taken to social media to voice her displeasure with Dwight’s parenting.
In the Instagram post Christine writes:
“#fedup this amazes me Who does this?! I could never leave my child with someone and not even speak to them by video/phone or visits (minus one bday video-per MY request-and 3 hours in the same room “together” for his party)…and for 5+ months? When I reach out I get ignored…when I send fathers day gift and text I get ignored…why? Trey hasn’t done anything to you and even if he did, you should never ignore your own child if you love them. Last I checked…you cheated (again)..I caught u…u went silent….k so u don’t want ME? …that’s fine…but what about ur kid? I’m all about Trey having both parents regardless of circumstances and I thought you did too…so where are you?…*silence*… No one is THAT busy”
That’s not the only time Christine has put Dwight on blast, though. Just three weeks ago she posted a message about absent fathers, including the one in her own childhood.
“So many little things I learned about dads in other peoples families that i’de love to teach Trey, but don’t even know where to begin, don’t remember half the things I learned because at the times I didn’t realize it would be important to learn what a dads role is in a child’s life, and don’t have an an example from my own childhood at all …”
Sorry to say this but if a man has numerous kids with numerous different women and has documented issues with them, I’m not sure why she thought it would be different with her.
As always I wish everyone the best and hope they’re able to work it all out.
*photos in gallery above*
Shay Marie: Twitter || Instagram
Source: Bossip
hi, since this has been allowed by me, the public, I am sharing my personal view point, Dear young Lady, I find some questionable errors in your decision to post PUBLIC, 1. what , in my view should be left private from my eyes and ears as well as the media, if possible 2., WHAT EVER you and Mr. Dwight Howard, may be disagreeing about, sharing it with us ( PUBLIC) and the media , is like telling on Mr. Dwight Howard, as though we have the power to make him do as you deem proper or right,3. listen dear lady, YOU made the conscience choice to have sex(unprotected ) with Mr. Dwight Howard, therefore ( allegedly) conceiving a child, 4. I say allegedly, because I have no facts otherwise, 5. it states in the reading that you are a gospel singer, now dear lady, to sing for God should be a consideration to live for God and yes keep his commandments, no one is perfect in keeping Gods commandments, added to that , if you are professing to be a Christian woman, then you do know that your body is a temple to try and keep it clean, now I am also concerned about how you are choosing to handle your business with Mr. Dwight Howard, (PUBLICKLY) if you area Christian, suggest you go to God with your concerns, YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF, it seems it will take God to fix your choices in which you obviously are not happy, Mr. Dwight Howard belongs to God therefore what ever misgivings he has done or is doing, we have not Gods permission to judge….# consult God, the most you can do is REPENT for FORNICATION and allow God to heal your hurt and disappointment, you can not embarrass Mr. Dwight Howard with your publications
You did your business in Private,why not keep the outcome of that business PRIVATE. Stop embarassing howard, as the embarassment shows on you more.
Why you put something on blast like this? It’s just making you looks some type of way.yes you’re a Christian singer as you says I’m not here to judge you! But keep your business offa the website,that’s just adding to more pain for you also burden. You done did it you’re both gone your separate way,so love your baby raise him up to be a man not a sperm donor as doing the due an doing his fatherly duties when he’s grown up. Cause there are some men’s do as a father suppose to do an there are some don’t! So pray an GOD won’t go without hearing your prayer,he can help an heal you from your hurt an pains you’re going through just ask for his help he help not cause you ask not! You’re looking for love in the wrong way an place!! An there are men’s who just getting a cheap thrill as they would call it a “One Night Stand,but in the process a baby was produce! So yes you says you’re a Christian artist singer an to end this “We All Falls Down! But We Gets Right Back Up!!!!!
Look who’s judging. You say leave the judging to god yet you are judging baby momma 8. You are a hypocritte.
She thought it would be different for her. No dear you are no better than the other baby mamas!!!
Both of you say you are not here to judge but that’s exactly what you are doing. Lmao. Too funny.
How bout yall let her vent the way she want and stop trying to tell her how to feel or what to do. Bible thumpers are everywhere now!! Smh dnt throw the bible at her if u haven’t evrn read one page from it…leave her alone she has every right to go public with her story just like yall…NOW GO TELL GOD THAT
Grown up people making grown-up choices so who’s to blame
You have a baby with a man with 7 other baby mamas and HE is crazy?
They deserve each other. Sorry for the kid tho.
Let’s be honest”ladies”. A man courts you dates you. Act like a lady. Keep your legs closed until your down the aisle. Where is the condom? If he is a father of several children you should have been smart and not fame chasing. Your hurt because you’re seeing your son missing the man presences of a dad. You weren’t thinking. Enough already men aren’t deadbeat if you were a lady to begin. You are making it easy to keep him at a distance from his son. Was he there when he was born? Did he propose? A man will show themselves upfront and if you ignore it the results are painful.
Please husbands cheat too, I’ve seen plenty of them and who cares if he has had multiple baby’s moms? When a person falls in love with another man, they aren’t supposed to carry their past, all you people commenting should mind your fuckin business, but of course you people love seeing another persons downfalls, knowing everyone has made a mistake, so shut the hell up, focus on your issues, cause nobody’s life is perfect and if it is they sure wouldn’t have time to comment on this shit.
So your saying you have to marry a man for him to be faithful, please close your mouth, you know nothing
@ TRUTH you’re so Right.I think the point this young Lady is trying to get across is its never ok to abandon your responsibilities no matter how the relationship ends.I grew up in the church.My husband and I were married before we had children But after our marriage didn’t work He decided to absent himself from the childrens lives, no phone call, letters etc. As a mother you hurt as you watch your child Hurting and Longing to see that absent parent and your there trying to pick up the pieces of what you thought was once a solid foundation. Man up!
@ TRUTH you’re so Right.I think the point this young Lady is trying to get across is its never ok to abandon your responsibilities no matter how the relationship ends.I grew up in the church.My husband and I were married before we had children But after our marriage didn’t work He decided to absent himself from the childrens lives, no phone call, letters etc. As a mother you hurt as you watch your child Hurting and Longing to see that absent parent and your there trying to pick up the pieces of what you thought was once a solid foundation. What kind of could walk away from responsibility and Never look back?
Lol if were supposed to mind “mind our own ducking business” that would be much easier to do if she didn’t PUBLIy rant about this. Why the fuck would you bring this issue into the media if it’s none of our business and a private matter. It’s not like tmz broke this story she went out of her way to bring attention to it. Get real
I don’t understand why everyone is coming for her. Regardless of the decision she and he both made the child is here now. He needs to take care of it. Pointing fingers does nothing.
Samantha, Waters and Patricia are not judging, they are stating an opinion concerning something that has been publicly aired. I would admonish you to go to Webster’s dictionary an look up the word judge… I didn’t read in their statements, which were their opinions, did they say what was going to happen to this, I am assuming devout representative of GOD. They, just as you, do have an opinion, so if you are going to attack, don’t attack the person, attack the issue. This is thi reason in these days why so many of our young people thinks it is ok to take all kinds of ill moral acts in the so called church as we see it. Truthfully speaking, the church are the individuals these ill moral act are sewn into. The church is not the building we worship in… So Waters and Patricia have the right to call this young woman out. Back in the day, women who followed celebrities around, and gave themselves freely were called groupies. That is when the basic fabric of the family was torn.
Floyd you are very quick to ask people to look up the word judge. Well I will ask you to do the same. Please note that you defined judge as a noun. So now I will define it to you as a verb. Please take note: “: to form an opinion about (something or someone) after careful thought
: to regard (someone) as either good or bad”. Now please go back and read those other comments you were talking about and use the word “Judge”. They sure are judging. Instead of focusing on the negative, they should focus on the positive. What matters now is a child, not what she may have done in the past. I though we shouldn’t be throwing stones? Think about that.
Baby momma #8 what’s she complaining for if she knew he had 8-10 kids from 8 different ladies. Just shows how stupid she is , so shut the fuck up and stand in line dumb ass
This is too funny…1st you are a gospel singer so you are into church…fornication is a sin, 2nd you are baby momma number 8 nice choice to have a baby with and 3rd what made you think if he wasn’t there for the 7 other kids what makes you think he was going to be there for yours….next time before you speak….THINK…don’t put out his dirty private laundry if you don’t want your out there. ..just saying
wtf is wrong with people Who gives a fuck how this went down! The kid is Here and Thats all that matters, and ya’ll are blaming her He is a deadbeat Dad dose not care and ya’ll blame her? Fuck all you fuck ups!!! Shit like this pisses me off why is he getting a break? The kid is Here Thats all its about, take Care Of your kid you fucking asshole! I or els it will come back to haunt u. I know my pops Never gave a fuck either. Leave that women alone!
@ Mike that’s right
^5 Mike….I totally agree the child is here now take care if your business…your son needs both parents
I guess you thought 8 was going to be the magic number that turned him into a different man. Both of you are ignorant.
No sympathy for the 8th baby mama. No sympathy for the 3RD!!! The 2nd? Everyone gets a mulligan in life. You have to live to learn. The 8th? Carpet bomb the fuck out of all involved, sparing the babies of course.
How can people be so damn cruel, maybe putting your business out is not the best course of action, but guess what it’s her business to share. I sympathize with her so much, yes she chose to have a child by this man with a lot of children but so what that’s her issue not any of your judgemental asses. This man is a basketball star with lots of money so no matter where he has a game he has the means to fly out to see his child. Yes my childs father sucks ass so I know how she feels, I get even madder because he only has one child but does the bare minimum. Nobody chooses to raise a child alone, she’s not bitter because he doesn’t want her she’s bitter because millions idolize this man but he can’t even idolize his own children. People will judge a single mother but what about his ass, he most likely does this to all of his kids but continues to make children making them a statistic in this country. It’s crazy while a man is with you he will do what he has to but as soon as you break up his ass is MIA. Stop putting all the blame on the woman because last time I checked it takes two.
I sympathize with the child, not her. She went out like sooooooo many females do and let a kneegrow with a harem of baby mommas and a tribe of children bust seed in her.
She wanted her typical NBA baby and now she has her typical NBA “father”. No sympathy whatsoever.
It is such a shame that Dwight will be broke by the time he is 40. The baby mamas will go to court to get child support and he will pay.
Maybe she shouldn’t have hooked up with a guy that already had 7 babby mommas. Wtf did u expect?
He has 8 other babies. That should have been a reason to exit and not be number 9.
She’s hurt. I know. It’s not about being the 811th or the first. DH could’ve told her that he would be there. Why would she expect different. Her occupation means nothing. Neither does marriage. Look at the divorce rate. It’s stupid to say why would she think out would be different. DH is the issue not her. All she wants it’s for him to be involved with the child. He doesn’t have any reason why he can’t. Whether it’s public or private he’s in the wrong.
7 or 9 children which ever is accurate, that should have been your first clue. Unfortunately we as women always think that we are the one that can do what the others couldn’t. The only thing I can say is never risk your Christianity for his money, his fame and his fortune. You already had the world (Jesus)and you didn’t know you had it all.
Is this a website for ESL students? The grammar and moronic slang by almost every commenter here is embarrassing to read. You all should be ashamed. As far as the subject of the article goes…everyone should publicly shame and “boo” Dwight Howard every time he’s in public. Please leave god talk out of your comments. There’s no such thing, grow up.
This is so unbelievably sad. Where are people learning that the sins of one are the responsibility of those they harm? Why in the world is ANYONE attempting to hold an unkind judgment toward a person who has clearly had their dreams of family and love and support imploded by another human being. What part of compassion and non judgment are people skipping in basic decency toward others 101? And what is causing anyone to think that judging how someone else responds to pain is your place? A woman is in pain because her child is not being supported or cared for by his father. Anybody seeking to judge that has a long lengthy mirror to look in and a whole bunch of reading on love for others to catch up on. On top of that the author of this article needs to hit the journalism books – it’s your place to tell us that this woman supposedly should have known better? If she should know better because of other baby mamas then you need to know and do better as a writer – objectivity much kiddo? Seriously so many folks need to get it together with the base lines it is not even funny! People want to judge a woman who is hurting because her child’s father is not stepping up. And when a woman says “I don’t need a man” then you want to judge because of that. Apparently anything besides perfection is judgment worthy for a lot of folks. If its perfection you seek then apply the rules strictly to yourself and leave the judgements to god. Peace!
All I can say is keep your head up.Take care of your son. GOD will provide for him and our heavenly father is all that baby needs. So many women are sold a dream. Just ask our Father for his guidance and he will show you the way. You wanted a night of fun and pleasure, behind it you have this innocent baby who needs love and nourishment. You cannot focus on what the father is going to do or not going to do. Continue with your dreams and learn from your mistakes. When the time is right God will send you a wonderful MAN to be a father to your son. God Bless you and good luck.
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