
Anonymous, also deemed the “hacktivist” group, took to social media a while back to announce Operation KKK; the plan to reveal names, numbers, addresses, and more of 1,000 alleged Ku Klux Klan members. The group has begun the process, and now, some of the outed members – photographers, senators, etc. – are speaking out.

Find out more after the jump.

JaaiR (JR)
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Anonymous decided to spark the campaign in remembrance of the day that a grand jury decided not to charge Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for the death of Michael Brown. In a press release, the group revealed, “We know who you are. Originally, we did not attack you for your beliefs as we fight for freedom of speech.” They continued, “We attacked you due to your threats to use lethal force in the Ferguson protests. We took this grudge between us rather seriously.”

Operation KKK; the complete list.

Senator Dan Coats and Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry, both of Indiana, are both named on the the list of members. Earlier today, they both spoke out on the accusations.

“Amos, completely false. I have never had any affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan and deplore all forms of discrimination,” Coats writes on Twitter.

“Claims that I have ties to the KKK are totally false and irresponsible,” says Henry. “Our City celebrates and appreciates diversity and acceptance. Racism has no place in our society and my life.”

Check out the gallery for more.

The hacktivists plan to continue with their outing of the members. “This is just the beginning,” they say. On November 4, the group plans to lead another social media campaign using the hashtag #HoodsOff.