A New Jersey 9-1-1 worker is now looking to face charges after she picked up two teens to go on a vandalizing spree. Ummm why would she do this? The spree caused thousands of dollars in Lower Alloways Creek Township, N.J. Bobbie L. Franklin is now in some serious trouble!

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Franklin use to work at the Salem County 9-1-1 emergency dispatcher. She was a worker there for 12 years. After 12 years, you would think that some one would want to keep their job especially when you work for or with law enforcement. She was suspended from the job upon their learning of her taking two boys out on Halloween to vandalize the town.
Public Safety Director David L. Sowers tells sources that the vandalizing happened around 3:30am and lasted till about 6:30am.

“Franklin allegedly picked up two 14-year-old juveniles and drove to multiple locations around Lower Alloways Creek Township where various types of paint were used to deface property.”

Franklin is now facing a slew of charges. She has been charged with committing a crime with individuals who were underaged, two counts of criminal mischief, and also disorderly conduct. It wasn’t even worth it! Franklin posted a $2,500 bail but still has a court hearing. There is about $7,000 worth of damage done to the town. There is no word as to whether the minors will be charged.