
A new study is showing the young women of Greece are now selling themselves for as cheap as a sandwich, due to the severe condition of Greece’s economy. Hit the jump for the full story.

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The study consists of 17,000 sex workers, exemplifying that Greek women are now dominating the prostitution industry, replacing Eastern European women on the charts. Oh yeah, and the sex they’re selling is the cheapest around.

Gregory Laxos, a sociology professor at the Panteion University in Athens who conducted the three-year study, told the London Times newspaper:

“Some women just do it for a cheese pie, or a sandwich they need to eat because they are hungry. Others do it to pay taxes, bills, for urgent expenses or a quick drug fix.”

When the economy really started to plummet in 2009, the sex-selling business started booming. The initial going rate for sex with a prostitute was 50 euros ($53 U.S). Now, it’s as low as two euros ($2.12 U.S), for a 30-minute quickie.

Prostitution is legal in Greece but very few of the country’s brothels are licensed, which is causing many of the estimated 18,500 prostitutes operating in Greece to work on the streets. Laxos states prostitution was at a normal rate before the economic crisis made it a trend and now women account for 80 percent of the prostitution in Greece.

He also states majority of women are young women and are on the rise. “It doesn’t look like these numbers will fade,” he told the Times. “Rather they are growing at a steady and consistent pace.”

The 180 euro ($191 U.S) average price for a one-hour sex session has fallen dramatically as the Internet has made prostitution extremely easy and convenient.

“Factor in the growing number of girls who drift in and out of the trade, depending on their needs, and the total number of female prostitutes is startling,” Laxos comments.
