Following the Thanksgiving festivities, Coco and Ice-T welcomed into the world their first child together; a girl. Now that the precious little girl is over a week old, Coco gives us a glimpse into her daughter’s first photoshoot.
“babychanelnicole’s first photoshoot .. She was a natural,” Coco writes on the ‘Gram.
Hit the jump for more.
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During the shoot, Coco stripped her clothes off to cuddle baby Chanel, and even after only a little over a week, the 36-year-old looks great. She even goes to the lengths of showing off her flattening belly post-baby, with the following message.
1 week post baby ..the left was me at 36 weeks ( I had Chanel at 37 weeks) I was basically in shape before I got pregnant but during pregnancy I stopped my workout regimen at 4 months preggers and pretty much became a fruitarian after that lol..No not really, I ate other foods of course but craved fruit. I lost 10 pounds before I even started to gain baby weight probably because 1- I stopped drinking alcohol. 2 – I stopped weight lifting and lost a lot of muscle and 3- I ate really healthy and took my vitamins everyday.(I’m gonna post my whole routine soon on my baby blog I gained 13 pounds my whole pregnancy and now I way almost back to norm at 137 pounds. All this is strange to me too, how my body took so well with pregnancy because I was mentally prepared to blow up like a whale and I was totally cool with it I really could have cared less how my body looked it didn’t matter to me..I couldn’t wait to get a bump and rock it! ..I would’ve gone through anything to make a healthy baby ..I had the heavens really watching over me and know everyday how blessed I am.. I believe anybody could too go through a wonderful experience and thats why I made a baby blog so people could know the steps I took..I hope to bring inspiration
Hit up the gallery for Coco’s bounce back body, and more.
SOURCE: Page Six