Founder of A Bathing Ape clothing line is a huge Star Wars fan. He even collected Star Wars toys and sold his collection today. He has a special connection to the toys. Hit the jump to find out why.

Emma Rabid: Twitter ~ Instagram

Anonymous hackers took down Turkey’s internet. It remains unaccessble. In a video, Anonymous explained they did this because Turkey supports Daesh, also known as ISIS. The video announces that Turkey must stop supporting ISIS to get its internet rights back.

Anonymous affected Turkey’s government, bank, and access to any other country’s internet. If Turkey continues to support ISIS, Anonymous will not only leave Turkey cut off from the outside interwebs but also dismantle Turkish banking websites completely. Without banking infrastructure online, Turkey could become a third-world country. Without bank sites, Turkey would not be able to trade with other countries.

This is a serious situation for Turkey. Time will tell if they take Anonymous’ threat seriously enough to make a change. They should. Anonymous took down the Turkish internet at a super fast rate of 40 gigs per second.

Source: SC