Not only is Bill Cosby’s reputation basically ruined, his acknowledgments may be taken away also. I mean thats to be expected I guess after over 50 woman accuse you of sexual assault. President Obama will take a second look as to whether or not he will revoke Bill’s medal of freedom.

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Back in July, Obama made a statement such as,

“there is no precedent for revoking the medal.”

Well now all of that is starting to change. Arizona Republican Congressman Paul Gosar has just introduced a bill that will cause Obama to rethink that statement. The White House press secretary Josh Earnest says that if Congress actually did pass that bill, President Obama would think twice about taking the medal.

Earnest says,

“Symbolic commemorations are always difficult to deal with, expressing concern over creating the precedent of “undoing” medals. But I think the President was quite clear in that news conference in showing his own personal disgust for the kind of behavior that Mr. Cosby is accused of, and you know the President made clear that he doesn’t have any tolerance for it.”

Source: TheShadeRoom