People need to get a grip man, sheesh! Some kids in Gainesville, Florida were playing ball in the street outside their home in the middle of the day. Some grump decided the kids were too loud and called the police with the hopes of shutting the kids down. The police department decided to handle things a different way.
The officer on scene told the kids someone actually called the police on them and he couldn’t believe it himself. He then went on to shoot around with them and just talk to them in a way you would want neighborhood police to do.
He cracked some jokes and eventually went on his way, leaving whoever tried to ruin the kids time feeling salty while they probably stared out the window.
On their Facebook and Youtube pages, the Gainesville police shared the video and added their own statement.
Officer White was recently dispatched to a call of kids playing basketball “loudly” in the streets. If it’s ok…we are going to focus on the kids that are out committing crimes. #HoopsNotCrime
Always nice when stories involving police and the community aren’t negative. That officer likely made a bigger impact on those kids than he even realized.