The past few months have not been going well for Johnny Manziel with all his off the field issues. We have constantly heard about him but never actually from him. That changed this morning when he finally broke his silence but didn’t say anything. A retweet from Charlie Sheen was all he needed to do.


After no activity on twitter for quite a while, this morning Manziel retweeted a tweet from Charlie Sheen that was directed personally to him. Charlie was basically giving him advice about refocusing his life and people had jokes that things were so bad even Sheen was offering advice.

From the looks of the random retweet this morning though, that advice may have gotten to Johnny’s head.

He continues to deal with the aftermath of another incident with his now ex-girlfriend, Colleen Crowley. They reportedly had such a bad fight that she signed an order of protection against him after he talked about killing the both of them and physically harming her. Dallas police say they expect to wrap up the investigation this week, although so far there have been no charges filed.

This was around the same time his marketing company which is owned partially by Lebron James decided to cut ties with him, as well as his agent which was a clear sign people saw the writing on the wall for him unless he gets it together. Maybe the fact he randomly tweeted Charlie’s message today is a sign he is trying to do exactly what Charlie told him to do.

Check the gallery!
