Three boys from Washington are facing some serious charges after Sheriff’s deputies say that they recorded themselves sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl and then posted it to Snapchat.
Check out the rest of this story after the jump.
Instagram | Carli Knox
The three boys and the 15 year-old victim were drinking in her backyard shed. Deputies say that the victim lost consciousness. That’s when the boys wrapped her with an electrical cord and sexually assaulted her.
The boys used the victims sister’s cell phone to record the act and then shared it to the popular social media app, Snapchat. The victim’s mother says she was home at the time of the assault, but didn’t know anything had happened.
“Parents really need to be aware of the different applications and apps that are out there that can do this kind of thing and teenagers are really good at hiding text messages, pictures, and videos. This is an example of it.”
says Piece County Detective Ed Troyer.
The boys, ages 13, 14 and 17, faced a judge on Friday who ordered them to be held in juvenile detention until their next court date on Tuesday.
I am confused how the victims mother didn’t know her 15 year-old daughter was in a shed drinking with three boys and wasn’t aware what was going on but I don’t feel bad for those three boys. If you knew better you would do better. What are your thoughts? Comment below and tell us what you think.
Source: ABC7