
It’s no surprise that everyone who have met Prince, have walked away with share worthy stories of how their lives were touched. Prince’s half brother is the first of his siblings to open up and share what his relationship with the late singer was like.

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Andrew Jackson who is Prince’s brother, claims he hasn’t spoken to the late singer in almost 15 years but holds on to early memories that the two share. Jackson notes the talent and intelligence Prince possessed at the tender age of 5, along with the ability to remember piano notes so vividly.
Jackson recalls:

He was a genius. Wherever he heard music, he could copy it just like that – like he had a photographic memory or something.

Even though Jackson is his half brother, he too is entitled to a portion of Prince’s estate according to Jackson’s lawyer. If the estate is distributed, it will be given to Prince’s five siblings. The estate is estimated to be 250 million dollars. Even though the two hadn’t spoken or seen each other in 15 years, Jackson admits he was very proud of him.

“I miss my brother, because my brother was everything in the world to me,” Jackson said. “He’s a legend, he really is.”
