
Damn Donald! Back at it again offending minorities. As we all know Donald Trump has no filter and speaks his mind. During a Trump rally on Friday Donald wanted to shout out his black supporter’s. He pointed at a black man in the crowd and referenced him as “my African-American.” Some people are offended by Trump’s comment but the man Donald was pointing at isn’t offended one bit.

Check out the video after the jump!

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Gregory Cheadle is a African-American Donald Trump supporter. That actually sounds a little strange when you say it. Cheadle was at a Trump rally on Friday where he was addressed as “my African-American” and he isn’t the least it offended. He said

“That was me, seriously. I got two autographs out of that.”

Cheadle said African-Americans have historically been dismissed by politicians, which is why they were so quick to support President Obama, the United States first black president. Cheadle also said that it was gratifying to him and he was proud that Trump would acknowledge him in an audience that was predominantly white.

“To give the black folk the time of the day, I was happy”

I mean….I guess so *rolls eyes* What are your thoughts? Comment below!

Source: Bossip