IFWT_Lisa Alamia

A Texas woman who has never left the United States aside from a mission trip to Mexico has woken up with a British accent after undergoing surgery on her jaw. Lisa Alamia of Texas went under the knife to correct an overbite about six months ago and later woke up from surgery to find out that her speech had changed drastically. Alamia says she now speaks with a British accent and she couldn’t even tell you why.

Read the rest of this story after the jump!

Instagram | Carli Knox

Doctors diagnosed Lisa Alamia with foreign accent syndrome, an extremely rare disorder thought to be neurological, in which a person’s accent suddenly changes without explanation.

Alamia’s neurologist told local news stations that only 100 people have been diagnosed with the syndrome in the past 100 years and that if people raise awareness doctors can identify more patients or more people who have the condition.

Most of the time the syndrome is diagnosed after a head injury and is treated as indicative of brain damage or a neurological upset, but all tests on Alamia came back normal.

Lisa Alamia is now receiving speech therapy and hopes to reclaim her original accent. Until then herself and doctors are going to conduct research into what may cause the condition, and raise awareness.

That is really bizarre but I don’t think I would mind if I woke up with a British accent tomorrow. Lol! Check out the video below and then comment and let us know what you think.

Source: WSHH | CNN