Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, who the world knows as “El Chapo,” is now residing in the United States. Chapo was sent to the Metropolitan Correctional Center from Mexico. In a forensic evaluation report, which was obtained and published by the New York Daily News Tuesday, states that the MCC is actually worse than the infamous Guantanamo Bay military prison.

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Ahmed Ghailani spent more than two years at the MCC for his alleged involvement in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings. He even considered Guantanamo Bay “more pleasant.” Based on long conversations with Ghailani, psychiatrist Dr. Gregory Saathofj wrote,

“While (at Guantanamo), he was able to recreate with others, to access DVDs, and in general felt that the atmosphere provided more freedom to detainees.”

Ghailani states MCC had “frequent strip searches” done by the guards. However, he did say,

“Here, they have constitutional rights… The rules at Gitmo favor the government. Here they are more fair.”

Source: Complex