(Live Video) Google Shows Off What’s New With Android At #io15

Just like Apple’s WWDC, Google likes to keep people up to date with what’s happening in their network of products, like updates to Android, Adwords, Youtube and more, hit the jump to find out how it’s going down!

(Photo) Kanye Teaming Up With Apple To Release His Album?

Sounds like Kanye West might be teaming up Apple Music now to release his album instead of Tidal.

(Photo) Oh Shoot!! Meet Instagram 6.0!!!

Today IG released it’s latest version with some really nice NEW editing tools!!

(Photo) The REAL Shell from The iPhone 6 Leaks!!!

This makes total sense, the WWDC is Monday, so the world will see what’s really going on with this iPhone situation, is it 2, is this the 6c, Aug or Sept, metal or plastic…..All questions will be officially answered on Monday, but until then, let’s look at this!!

*Update* Here’s Where The Apple/Beats Deal Is At….Done Deal, Here’s The Facts!!

We’re hearing that the official announcement could very well be this week, as Jimmy and Dre may be on the stage for WWDC, BUT instead of $3.2B, it may be only $3B, and the loss of $200M could be coming from Dre ‘freaking Apple out’, and Apple looking into the actual subscription base of Beats Music app, which is lower than expected(at least what Apple expected).

(Video) iPhone 6 Compared To The 5S….Size Matters!!!

Keep in mind, the iPhone 6 is a ‘mock up’ model, 3D made, which is based off spec leaks, but should everything be correct, which don’t have a reason to think it’s not…

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