(Video) Somebody Come Get This Man: Bill O’Reilly Suggest President Obama Is “Sympathetic” To “Cop Killing” For Supporting #BlackLivesMatters

Why are we not surprised. Republican advocate Bill O’Reilly has been known to bash our President, our country and especially the African-American community. Well he’s back at it again, trying to kill two birds with one stone: the President and the African-American Community. Saying President Obama’s support for the Black Lives Matter movement is a support of the undermining of law enforcement and the murdering of cops.

(Video) The Positive Numbers About Young Black Men!

The Positive Numbers About Young Black Men! There are so many conversations nationally about young African-American males.Tragedies occur to kids like Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown and the first thing people want to mention are the negative statistics about black men. I recently heard people debating about the Mike Brown case and someone mentioned “he wasn’t a good kid”. Most recently at the Oscars John Legend stated “that there are more black men under the control of the incarceration system now than there were black men enslaved in 1850.” Below are some statistics that paint a positive picture of Young African American males. Check out the graphs in the gallery. More info after the jump.

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