FBI: Dylann Roof Should Never Had Been Cleared To Purchase Gun

According a report released by the FBI, Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine people as the prayed in a Charleston, SC church, should never had been cleared to purchase a gun. Earlier reports stated that a background check was done on Roof prior to the purchase but recent investigations have proved that it was not. Read more below.

(Video) Charleston Shooter’s Black Friend Says Dylann’s Not Racist And He Still Loves Him

Everyone has been speaking out since 21-year old Dylann Roof shot and killed nine people in a church in Charleston, South Carolina. The media caught up with one of Dylann’s best friends who happens to be African American and you won’t believe what he revealed about Roof.

(Photos) NFL: Carolina Panthers Give $100,000 To The Families Of Victims From Charleston Shooting

Carolina Panthers owner/founder Jerry Richardson donated $100,000 to the families of the nine victims killed in Wednesday night’s Charleston shooting, and to the church where the shootings occurred.

(Photos) Dylann Roof’s Alleged Racist Manifesto Surfaces Online

The tragedy that unfolded in Charleston, South Carolina is more than a wake-up call for the United States. As more information about the shooter Dylann Roof surfaces, it becomes more than evident that the massacre that occurred at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church was not an “accident” and was racially motivated. Not long after Roof was charged with 9 counts of murder, his alleged manifesto surfaced online, which confirms his hatred for not only people of color, but Latinos and people of the Jewish faith as well. Read the racially-charged manifesto after the jump!

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