Is Sexting Considered Cheating? What Do You Think?!

The digital age has introduced some very new and innovative cheat tactics.  After Congressman Weiner’s big twitter fumble, the debate on SEXTING has been the topic of discussion.  Is SEXTING considered CHEATING?  Read more after the jump!   @jazzyvadney x @TatWZA

Ping Ponging:Main Chick vs Side Chick

You’ve been running the streets for years and you FINALLY found someone you want to settle down with. Shes fine, wholesome, smart and i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t LOL. You’re ready to wife her. Ready to cut all your past situations off, well not ALL of them…read on after the jump! @jazzyvadney

VIOLATION: Fellas would you consider this a DEAL BREAKER?

If theres anything a man WILL NOT tolerate in a relationship, it aint bad cookin’, it aint bad sex…well maybe bad sex but the absolute deal breaker issssss….no need for a drumroll because you already know: CHEATING! It’s the age old question. Why will a woman stand by after being cheated on but a man will not? I’ve had quite a few chats with uncles, cousins and even my own father to figure this one out. What it boils down to is EGO. Most guy’s ego can’t withstand that type of blow. Cheat on a man and you might as well take away all his cash, deflate his muscles and slap a vagina on him. Ok, maybe that was drastic but you get the point. Continue reading after the jump. @jazzyvadney

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