Tech Talk News: Steve Jobs Asked Compaq To License The MacOS in 1999

Among other interesting tidbits on Steve Jobs, technology investment pioneer Ben Rosen revealsthat the new Apple CEO invited the then Compaq Chairman and CEO to Silicon Valley in 1999 to inquire about licensing MacOS X: @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

Tech Talk Look At: Who Is Apple’s NEW CEO Tim Cook???

This has been a crazy day for me personally, and I really prefer to have certain things stay intact while I’m going through personal hard times, and Steve Jobs Staying at the Big desk of my favorite bitten fruit consumer electronics company is one of them, So I can’t get that, I now have to learn a whole NEW CEO at Apple….Well Let’s take a look at Tim Cook!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Device: Compaq Goes #Clouding!!!

This is Compaq’s(remember them) 10″ netbook answer to the Chromebook I suppose, a lot of the Acer chromebook specs here, but it’s connected to Verizon…Hit the Jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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