(Photo) Big Sean Shows Off His Ice At The BET Awards

Talk about rags to riches!! A lot has happened for Big Sean in the past year– this time in 2010, 3/4 of you guys had no idea who he was and now he’s sitting icey at the BET Hip Hop Awards!! We see you moving Sean!! Hit the jump to see his ice! Wendy L.

(Photo) What is Waka Flocka Doing In This Picture?!!

Waka Flocka seems to be having a good time… check out what he’s doing after the jump!! Wendy L.

(Photo) Big Sean Makes His Very First Instagram Post…What Do You Think the Pic is Of??

Big Sean joined the long list of people enjoying one of the more recent social networks, Instagram. It’s a photo sharing service for iPhone/iPod users, and it adds some pretty cool effects to your pics and allows you to “follow” and comment on other peoples’ pics as well. Can you guess what Sean’s first pic was as he joined earlier today? It’s not too shocking, trust me. LOL. Check it out below. Marisa Mendez

Tech Talk Update: Instagram 2.0 For iPhone Users!!!

Yes only for you iPhone Users( -_0 ), Instagram 2.0, a couple of cool features, Hit the Jump to see what Androids usera will Eventually get -_- Tat WZA WZA on Google+

(Update)Tech Talk App: Pool Party Picture App(Grand Opening Grand Closing!!!)

(SEE UPDATE) Hit the Jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Fellas check the pic!! Cubana Lust shows off some sexy instagram cakes!!

Hit the jump to see Lusty doing her thing! @DJTech4

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