Teck Talk Shopping: Apple Considers This The Perfect Valentines Day Gift!!!

Well, It is pretty Dope! I don’t know about you, but I would love one of these on any day, So I’d take one as a Valentines day gift, But Warning, this as a Valentines day gift, means that person is Not messing around, They Love your A**!!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk App: More Sh*t Sim Simi Says…..

I posted on this Crazy Ass App the Other Day, it let you know what #IFWT was, So it occurred to me, what other things does Sim Simi have to say, I mean with the ability to teach it, and it can learn everything that people want to say, and change it’s mind as someone else taught it, So I asked the funny little App some more questions, AND @PrettyBoyFlocco Sent a Pic in of Simi, which means He read My post, and I So Appreciate that!! Hit the Jump and let the Crazy talk begin!!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Apple Breaks Sale Records First Quarter Without Jobs!!!

Well Steve left a great legacy because even with his passing Apple continued to dominant the technology market with record breaking sales. Hit the jump to see exactly how Apple did last quarter. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Education: Over 350K Textbooks Downloaded Via iBooks In Three Days!!

Apple has done it again. After launching iBooks 2 last week over 350k textbooks have been downloaded. Check out the story on Apple after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Hacking: Jailbreak For A5 Devices (iPhone 4S and iPad 2) Released!!!

iPhone 4S and iPad 2 owners are now able to jailbreak their device which allows more customization and access to unauthorized apps through Cydia. Remember jailbreaking your device voids the warranty and it is possible to brick your device. More info on the jailbreak after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Rumor: Is Apple Going To Open Locations Inside Of Target??

Cues Jay-Z “Takeover” lol. Apple is steadily looking to expand by possibly aligning their products in 25 Target locations. Check out the full rumor after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

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