Stand Your Ground Law Under Review After Trayvon Martin Rallies???

Could it be that after yesterday’s massive city wide protests that included thousands, amongst those celebrities, The “Stand your Ground Law” ( that is thought to contribute to the verdict in the Zimmerman Trial) is being looked for review? Read more after jump

(Photos) The Most Uncanny Of Celebrities To Seek #Justice4Trayvon!

Many may think I’m cookoo, but this case was LESS about racism, and more about a low-life who was issued a gun, couldn’t back up his fight after approaching someone on some nonsense, all to be placed on a list of heroes – which is what G. Zimmerman wanted to be. Which brings me to this…when I came across this selected list of, “White Celebrities Who Have Stood Up For Trayvon Martin,” I didn’t sit too well with the title. I was more surprised as to who was on the list, simply because of who they were and what they usually stood for, as opposed to them being, “white.” This kind of division shouldn’t still be happening in 2013! Drop down bottom and check out the celebs that were on Trayvon’s side, and how they felt.

Gun Used To Murder Trayvon Martin Will Be RETURNED To Zimmerman?!?!

As if the Trayvon Martin/ George Zimmerman case did not cause enough controversy and uproar, the most disturbing news of the whole ordeal has just been revealed. Under Florida law, since Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges, he will be able to receive ALL of his property from the night of the murder….including the gun he used to shoot Trayvon dead with.

(Photos) Trayvon Martin’s Father Tweets Heart-Wrenching Response To ‘Not Guilty’ Verdict

After a Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman of the second degree murder and manslaughter charges he faced for the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the first thing that came to many people’s minds were Martin’s parents. After the verdict was announced, Trayvon’s father spoke out via his Twitter page sending a special message to those who supported the Martin family in their time of need. Take a look at the heart-breaking tweets in the gallery.

(Photos) Celebrities React To Zimmerman Verdict Via Twitter

The final “not guilty” verdict in the Trayvon Martin case is causing an uproar and social media has become the new outlet to vent. Celebrities such as Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Diddy, John Legend, and more reacted to the outcome in this case. Check out what they had to say in the gallery.

(Photos) OH NO: Teenager Threatens To Shoot Up High School If Zimmerman Gets Acquitted

A 15-year-old Chicago teenager expressed his anger towards the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case via his Twitter page. However, he went the completely WRONG route by threatening to shoot up his Zion Benton High School and cause a mass homicide of George Zimmerman gets off. Check the gallery to peep the tweet.

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