Tyler, The Creator Created A Beat For Kim Kardashian’s App

Tyler, The Creator POSSIBLY shot Kanye West’s cover for Rolling Stone, but we now know that he definitely created a beat for Kanye’s wife’s app. Taking to Twitter yesterday, Yeezy first congratulated Kim Kardashian on her KIMOJI app shooting to number one in the app store, then thanked his bro Tyler for contributing a beat from his Cherry Bomb album to the app, “The Brown Stains of Darkeese Latifah Part 6-12.” Check out Ye’s tweets below. Congrats to Kim on the number one!

(Photo) Kim Kardashian Has Launched Her Own Collection Of Emojis

Kim Kardashian has already proven herself once when it come to apps with her Kim Kardashian: Hollywood App and Monday the new mother launched her very own collection of emojis. Perfectly named “Kimoji”, the app, features over 250 emojis that reflect Kim K’s most well know assets and features.

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