Tech Talk Crime: Louisiana Will Require Sex Offenders To State Criminal Status On Facebook!!

Damn that sucks while we here worried about our relationship status on Facebook sex offenders have to broadcast their business before they start poking folks. But can’t someone just make a fake name and e-mail for a Facebook account? There is probably some work around but hopefully this can lower chances of sexual orientated crimes. Hit the jump for details on the new Louisiana law. ShottaDru X TatWza

Alligator Bites Louisiana Motel Guest

An Alligator popped up at the door of a Louisiana Motel and bit a guest. Get more after the jump. steveisDOPE

Man Freed After Spending 30 Years In Jail For A Crime He Didn’t Commit

Henry James is now a free man after serving 30 years for a rape crime that he didn’t commit. A jury convicted James of rape in 1982 after he was picked out of a line-up by a woman who was raped. After pleading his innocence for all these years, an organization called The Innocence Project helped James be exonerated and cleared of all charges. The organization worked on helping the man get free since about 2000. Read more about the case after the jump. @Julie1205

Cops Get Mandatory Counseling In Louisiana For Child Decapitation

Louisiana police dealing with the discovery of a decapitated child have gotten mandatory trauma counseling on their chief’s orders. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

Tropical Storm Lee Floods Gulf Coast, Knocks Out Power

These tropical storms have half of the country in a struggle!! Lee headed towards the Gulf Coast today, dumping heavy rains over the southern parts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. At one point, more than 30,000 customers in Louisiana had lost power because of the storm, Entergy reported late Saturday morning. Hit the jump for more details! @ItsLukieBaby

Tropical Storm Lee Could Smack East Coast With 65 MPH Winds!!

Hopefully Lee doesn’t come ANYWHERE NEAR the east coast but reports are saying that it could– should it still have strength after it hits the states on the gulf coast. However, after seeing how much damage Irene caused up here, I’m worried for Louisiana which sits in the direct path of storm because the Hurricane Center says Lee will test the levees built post-Katrina. Read more details after the jump… @ItsLukieBaby

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