(Video) How VR Sex Toys Could Save Long Distance Relationships

I’ve already told as many people that will listen, VR WILL BE the gift of the 2016 holiday season!! I know we are a good ways away from that period, but the amount of hardware and software that is finally going to be available now….trust me it’s going to be the move!!

Tech Talk: Oculus Rift Release Scheduled For First Quarter 2016

If you’ve followed the Oculus Rift story like TatWza, you’ve probably been disappointed several times by broken promises for release dates. The hype around this virtual reality device has been building since 2013, when it was honored as one of the top inventions of the year. Since then, Facebook put up $2 Billion and purchased Oculus Rift and the company is confident that it will be released in the first quarter of 2016.

Damn….. Co-Founder Of Oculus Rift Dies

Andrew Scott Reisse, co-founder of Oculus Rift and computer graphics engineer was struck by a car while walking across a street in Santa Ana, California. The car that hit him was in a police chase.

90 Year Old Grandmother Tries Out Oculus Rift

Paul Rivot decided to let his 90 year old grandmother try out Oculus Rift. She was very amazed by what she saw and had to ask him if she was still physically in the same place. Check out the video after the jump.

Team Fortress 2 In Virtual Reality Using Oculus Rift

The good people at Tested have one of the first Oculus Rift development kits out, and they spent a day testing it in Team Fortress 2. Watch how this virtual reality head-mounted display works in-game with every available control setting, and they discuss the promises and challenges of VR. Check out the video after the jump

So Is This REALLY The Future Of Gaming?!?!

The Oculus Rift virtual-reality headset is the cutting edge of virtual reality for video games and have developers and gamers excited about the possibilities of VR-based games. See Below.

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