Military Funeral Planned for Sherman Hemsley

Actor Sherman Hemsley will be laid to rest at a military funeral nearly four months after this death… Sherman Hemsley died back in July after a battle with lung cancer, but his burial was held up while a long lost brother contested his will. Read more after the jump Quay

Sherman Hemsley Will Upheld

Nearly four months after his death from complications due to lung cancer actor Sherman Hemsley can finally be laid to rest… Read more after the jump Quay

Two Months After His Death, Sherman Hemsley’s Remains Still Not Buried!

Sherman Hemsley died two months ago and his remains are still sitting in a freezer in a morgue in El Paso, TX. There’s a current dispute between the person he left his estate to and a man claiming to be Sherman’s brother, who has been ordered to take a DNA test to prove his claim. Sherman left his estate to a woman named Flora Isela Enchinton, who Sherman said was his business partner and person he lived with for 20 years. Now there is a battle between his brother, his business partner, and a third man who stepped forward claiming he was a family member who knows Sherman has a plot near his mother’s resting place that is keeping Hemsley from meeting his final resting place. Read more below. Julie A.

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