You’ve been running the streets for years and you FINALLY found someone you want to settle down with. Shes fine, wholesome, smart and i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t LOL. You’re ready to wife her. Ready to cut all your past situations off, well not ALL of them…read on after the jump!


We are ALLLLL guilty of doing this at some point. You never know when you’re gonna meet the one or a possible “one”. It always catches you when you’re dead in the middle of some very passionate sex fling that you know isn’t going anywhere but you won’t cut this one off because she/he always serves their “purpose”. Still can’t relate? Well let me ring some other bells…

You still romp around with your ex from time to time. If you aint romping, you’re leaning on this guy or girl for emotional support when you’re lonely or need a cuddle buddy. Sound more familiar? I thought so…now that I have your undivided attention…

What is your opinion of PING PONGING?  Have you ever been caught in this situation.  How did things unfold?

Well, I’ve been there done that and based on my experience, there are 3 scenarios to anticipate in the event you get caught up like this:

Scenario 1:  Your side piece finds out you have a gf/bf now.  Some side pieces won’t find a problem with this…if you’re lucky.  But if you’re like the millions of other guys and gals with side pieces, this aint how its goin down.  The side piece will get mad.  There’s no such thing as no strings attached, people!  Someone ALWAYS catches feelings.  If not initially, let it marinate and you’ll begin to notice little slick stuff.  Like he/she might call you in the middle of the night they know you’re with your main piece…they might post a pic of you two on Facebook…you get the picture…get ready for scenario 2.

Scenario 2:

Your main piece catches onto the side piece’s antics.  Would it really be hard to catch on to if your side piece wants your trifling-ness to be public knowledge?  How would your main piece feel? They’d probably be pissed and hurt and not to mention sad at their forever tarnished image of you.  Will the blossoming relatonship last? Probably not. 

Scenario 3: 

Your main piece and side piece know about each other.  They actually become friends and youdip and dabble bewteen the two if them.  Yea there’s the occasional feud or beef but for the most part, every party is happy. IN YOUR DREAMS!  You can’t have your cake and eat it too!  Not forever at least.

Think we missed something?  Let us know!!