I like using glmps for some of those special moments(or just catching something that might have a cool background story), well hit the jump to see what their upgrade brings, And I say they NEEDED this upgrade!!


So I got the message from the App Store “Upgrade Available”, I saw GLMPS was ready;

Then I saw what was in the Upgrade;

Adding the ability to upload to instagram is SMART!! it will do 2 things, allow you to share with you instagram users(which will make you want to post on glmps more, instead of just going with instagram), and give glmps the social network boost it’s been needing. You can say on your instagram, ‘Here’s this Pic, but go to my glmps account to see the story behind it.” This will let you digitally document your pictures personally, and socially, making your digital pedigree Strong!!! Don’t forget Twitter connects them all, But no need to