A substitute teacher has been fired and embarrassed after one of her former students put her on complete blast on Twitter! …To the point where she probably won’t EVER find a job as a teacher again. The student claimed he had sex (which wasn’t hard to believe, since he has texts, nudes, footage etc) with her while DURING the time she was teaching him in high school. Find out the rest of the complete story, nudes, and video after the jump!

Biz Baby

Just recently a guidance councilor lost a job over PAST photos taken (before she even got a job at the school), so imagine what it would be like for a teacher that was having sex with a student WHILE he was in high school. Well, this could be major trouble for teacher, Anna Michelle Walters.

Walters, looking like a clean cut, blonde haired, young substitute teacher.. was actually getting it on & dirty with one of her students.

As proof of exposure, student, Justin Foster posted all the nude photos and screen shots text messages (how cruel) from Walters that he says she sent to him. He reveals.. it’s all to ‘screw her over.’

Some students on twitter claim that the student is a ‘hero’ and a ‘legend’ who lived out ‘every guy’s fantasy.’

In the gallery, the text message screen shots display proof that the messages were sent at a point where he was admitting “he can’t drive.”

While some were calling him, “boss status” another on twitter said, “I don’t know what she did to you, but NO WOMAN deserves this. You are an immature, MEAN, HATEFUL, INSECURE person.”

No idea what sparked the student off, but he’s pissed.. check the pics in the gallery above and the video below!
