With the holiday season around the corner and with Google, Amazon, and Microsoft all releasing new tablets is Apple under new pressure from other companies.  Probably, ever since Apple created their iPad tablet 2 years ago and every company under the sun has tried their hand on a Tablet like device some successful some not so much.  Apple’s main competitors have been successful in gaining market share because their Tablets have been niche and not following in the footsteps of the iPad.  Over the last 2 quarters iPad sales have dipped 18%, is it due to other Tablets being released or were customers waiting for another iPad release.

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Microsoft on Thursday launched its Windows 8 Surface, a tablet with a keyboard aimed at users who want to easily access the company’s suite of business applications. Likewise, Google, Barnes & Noble, and even Toys R Us have tablets ready for the holiday shopping season.

“The battle is over the hearts and minds of consumers, and there is plenty of room for growth for everyone,” said Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at Gartner research.

Apple chief executive Tim Cook panned the new rival offerings in a call with analysts and investors.
