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The on going issues with social networking are typically Privacy & Discretion. Facebook deals with a lot of both; which often times becomes more of how they responded rather than what happened. They’ve developed a slew of new features that should help make every users experience a better one. Things you don’t fully understand can be extremely difficult to work with; but knowing something in and out, front to back makes a world of a difference. Facebook takes you into their Newsroom to give you some newly generated tips & tricks to help better your social networking experience!

Tat Wza


Rather than dig through pages of Settings, you can now access important information right from the main tool bar. “Who can see my stuff?” “Who can contact me?” and “How do I stop someone from bothering me?” are all accessible from the Help Center. App permission is one feature that was very irritating to many users. Once you added access to an integrated app, they forced you to tell the world about it on your feed or timeline. Now, both options are separate entities so you can allow an app to access your info for its actual purposes without posting what & why you did it to the world. Probably the most used feature will be the New Request and Removal Tool. Once clicked on the “Photos of You” tab, you’ll have the option to select multiple photos to ask friends to take down shots you don’t like. This tool also allows you to untag multiple photos at once, which will remove them from your timeline but not from others search, news feed and their timelines’.
