
Aliens are alive and kicking, according to Jaden Smith. Why? Because Obama apparently confirmed the existence of them during a visit of the Smiths to the White House. Check out what was said after the jump.

Sarah Nafissa

Jaden said in his interview with Wonderland:

“Jaden Smith believes in extraterrestrial life. “I like aliens!” he says. “I think aliens are really cool, because they exist.” He’s got proof. On a trip to the White House with his dad (Men In Black superstar) Will, mother Jada and sister Willow, he found himself in the President’s Situation Room.

“I talked to President Obama about extraterrestrials. He said he could neither confirm nor deny the existence of aliens, which means they’re real. If people think we’re the only people that live in this universe, then something is wrong with them.”

Can’t deny it when POTUS says something like that!

Wonderland Magazine