Woman drinks only soda for 16 years goes to hospital.
In Monaco, a small country near southern France, a woman only drank soda for 16 years suddenly fainted. She was taken to a hospital, but what did her tests show??


A 31-year-old woman in Monaco told her doctors that she has been drinking only cola since she was 15. She said she drank about 2 liters of cola a day. Her blood tests showed severely low levels of potassium. Low levels of potassium can cause heart rhythm problems. A test of her heart’s electrical activity revealed she had a condition called long QT syndrome, which can cause erratic heart beats.

Her potassium levels and heart electrical activity turned to normal after taking a week long break from soda. What’s she thinking anyway? 16 straight years of only drinking cola? You know you’re going to have health problems somewhere down the road.

via [Yahoo.com]