Who’d think that a simple online search would warrant the FBI to search your home? While feeling safer with the thought, at the same time, you shouldn’t. It’s great to know that they’re looking out, but not so great that they’re also looking over you. Professional writer, Michele Catalano, had a very unexpected visit from six men who claimed to be from the “joint terrorism task force.” Check out why after the jump.

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According to a blog post from Catalano:

I had researched pressure cookers. My husband was looking for a backpack. And maybe in another time those two things together would have seemed innocuous, but we are in “these times” now. And in these times, when things like the Boston bombing happen, you spend a lot of time on the internet reading about it and, if you are my exceedingly curious news junkie of a twenty-year-old son, you click a lot of links when you read the myriad of stories. You might just read a CNN piece about how bomb making instructions are readily available on the internet and you will in all probability, if you are that kid, click the link provided….

[T]hey were peppering my husband with questions. Where is he from? Where are his parents from? They asked about me, where was I, where do I work, where do my parents live. Do you have any bombs, they asked. Do you own a pressure cooker? My husband said no, but we have a rice cooker. Can you make a bomb with that? My husband said no, my wife uses it to make quinoa. What the hell is quinoa, they asked.

But that’s not it. After denial from other authoritative police departments that a search had even happened, Suffolk County’s Police department released this statement:

“You don’t see us, but we see you.”

*Pics In Gallery Above*
