One source linked to hundreds of stomach bug outbreaks.
The stomach bug-type illness going around that affected at least 285 people, has now affected over 400 people in 16 different states. So, what is the source that is directly responsible for these outbreaks in at least two states??

Brandon F

Investigation of the these stomach bug outbreaks led by the FDA, found that the outbreaks were linked to Taylor Farms in Mexico; who provide salads to restaurants in Nebraska and Iowa. So far, 22 people have been hospitalized from this illness caused by the one-celled parasites in contaminated food.

Announced on Tuesday by Nebraska’s Department of Health, 78 Nebraskans were sickened by the stomach bug due to prepackaged salad mix. Also, 80 percent of the cyclospora patients in Iowa consumed prepackaged prepackaged salad mix.

The FDA released a statement on the investigation saying, “It is not yet clear whether the cases reported from other states are all part of the same outbreak. The investigation of increased cases of cyclosporiasis in other states continues.”
