
Two top law makers stated that the United states should reconsider its aid to Egypt, Hit the jump for more detail!

Adriela Batista

Two top law makers whom are members of the Senate Armed Services Committee proposed that the U.S should reconsider its aid to Egypt amongst the conflicts occurring amongst Morsi protestors and the “interim government”.

“With the recent violent crackdown I do not see how we can continue aid,” stated Republican Sen. of New Hampshire Kelly Ayotte during NBC’s’ Meet The Press’.

“I believe it must be suspended because unfortunately I think that the military’s gotten the impression – particularly with the president not asking for aid to be suspended when he spoke this week – that whatever they do we will continue our aid.”

The Republican Senator also previously opposed a legislative measure in July to suspend the aid package to Egypt’s military.

Democratic John Reed of Long Island agree with the Republican Sen. and stated on the segment:

“The acts of the last few days by the Egyptian military are completely unconscionable and I do believe we have to change our aid,” said Reed. “I think also we have to have included in the legislation a national security waiver because we have to give the president not only the responsibility to deal with the government of Egypt but also flexibility.”

Others have also given their opinions on the issue including another Republican Sen. Bob Crocker of Tennessee who stated:

“Look, I think the actions of the last week are no doubt going to cause us to suspend aid,” on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos”.

President Obama has shown his animosity towards the fighting and casualty build up in Egypt, yet he fell short of following through and pausing the annual billion dollar aid that is sent to Egypt.

“The White House did announce the cancellation of a planned joint military exercise”.

Via NBCPolitics